Thursday, January 30, 2020

District Nurse Essay Example for Free

District Nurse Essay Who is a district nurse? A district nurse is a type of nurse that works in the community rather in the hospitals. They help by supporting and caring for the patients in care homes or residential homes. P1. Identify the forms of communication. Working in care is about communication and relationship .It is simply not possible to provide care without developing communication or relationship with the patients. That’s why it is important as a carer to know how to build a relationship with the patients. Communication is about much more than just conversation. There are three forms of communication they are: 1. Contexts. 2. Forms of communication. 3. Alternative forms of communication. M1. Describe the forms of communication. Today we will be looking at one of the forms of communication which is contexts. Some of the examples of contexts communication are: 1. One to one. 2. Groups. 3. Formal and informal. 4. With people using services. 5. Colleagues 6. Managers. One to one One-to-one in communicationis the act of an individual communicating with another. It is also called face to face communication. Groups. Group communication refers to communication between 3 or more individuals. Informal. Informal communication is less defined by strict measures and is characterized by colloquial language.The Antonym of informal is formal where formal communication is associated with the use of official medical/scientific language in documentation and to systematic policies and procedures. Both types of health information communication play important roles in shaping patient behaviour, ensuring patient safety and promoting the delivery of quality health. With people using services. It is good to have a fluent communication with the people using services and show them kindness so more people can come and use your service in a suitable way. Mangers. Every company has a manger and the work of the managers is to manage the company and make sure everything is running as expected. Managers mostly interact with their employers and see how far or how well they car doing the job. Colleagues. Colleagues are the people you work with let it be in a business area or other work places. Having a colleague is a good thing because you might feel more confident in talking to him.her. FORMS OF COMMUNICATION. This topic looks at forms of communication. There are many forms of communication that people around the world use to communicate with others. They are: 1. Verbal communication. 2. Non-verbal communication 3. Written communication. Verbal and non-verbal communication. Verbal communication refers to the way someone communicates by using words to present thoughts, ideas and feelings. Basically verbal communication is the ability to explain and show your ideas clearly through the spoken words. Unlike verbal communication, non-verbal communication refers to the messages people send out to express their thoughts and ideas without talking. There are many ways how non-verbal communications e.g. 1. Body language. 2. Facial expression. 3. Touch or contact. 4. Signs symbols and pictures. Body language. Body language is a type of non-verbal communication where by is the way to communicate by using your body instead of talking. For example the way someone sits or stands which is called posture can send messages. Head movement and hand movement might also indicate that you are sending or passing out a message. Facial expression. Facial expression refers to the way someone communicates by using his or her face. We can often tell how someone is feeling by looking at their face. For example if someone is happy there is a smile on her/his face. if someone is excited his/her eyes become wider. Touch or contact. Communicating through touch is another important nonverbal behavior. There has been a substantial amount of research on the importance of touch in infancy and early childhood. The deprivation of touch and contact impedes development. Touch can be used to communicate affection, familiarity, sympathy and other emotions. Signs, symbols and pictures. There are common signs and gestures that majority of people recognize without being taught. There are different types of signs that people and have a meaning. For example when waving to someone that means you are passing a message using signs. Symbols and pictures of all kind of different objects also communicate messages. Written communication. Written communication has great significance in today’s world. It is an innovative activity of the mind.. Speech came before writing. But writing is more unique and formal than speech. Effective writing involves careful choice of words, their organization in correct order in sentences formation as well as cohesive composition of sentences. Also, writing is more valid and reliable than speech. But while speech is spontaneous, writing causes delay and takes time as feedback is not immediate. Alternative forms of communication. There are many types of alternative forms of communication they are 1. Sign language. 2. Makaton. 3. Braille. 4. Technological aids. 5. Human aids. Sign language. As we said earlier sign language is the use of your body parts like facial expression, position, movement of the hands and arms. Sign language is mostly used by the disable people who have bad hearing problem. Makaton Language programme which uses signs and symbols to teach communication, language and literacy skills to people with communication and learning difficulties. It is designed to provide a means of communication to individuals who cannot communicate efficiently by speaking. Makaton has been effectively used with individuals who have cognitive impairments Braille. Braille is a system of writing for the blind consisting of raised dots that can be interpreted by touch, each dot or group of dots representing a letter, numeral, or punctuation mark Braille was devised in 1821 by Louise Braille, a Frenchman.. Technological aids. Basically a technological aid refers to the electronic aids people around the world use for communication. For examples mobile phones are used to pass messages from one person to another either by making calls or sending text messages. Computer is another technological aid that we use to do research and also for communication. Human aids. Human aids are special skilled people who help people communicate with each other. Examples are: 1. Interpreters. 2. Translators. 3. Signers. Interpreters and translators :.Interpreters are people who translate orally, while a translator interprets written text. Both interpreting and translation presuppose a certain love of language and deep knowledge of more than one tongue. The key skill of a very good translator is the ability to write well, to express him/her clearly in the target language. That is why professional translators almost always work in only one direction, translating only into their native language. Even bilingual individuals rarely can express themselves in a given subject equally well in two languages. And many excellent translators are far from being bilingual they may not be, and need not be, fluent speakers of the source language (the language of the original text being translated). The key skills of the translator are the ability to understand the source language and the culture of the country where the text originated, and, using a good library of dictionaries and reference materials, renders that material into the target language. An interpreter, on the other hand, has to be able to translate in both directions, without the use of any dictionaries, on the spot. .

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

McDonalds Case Analysis Essay -- Mcdonalds business Case Analysis Ess

McDonald's Case Analysis I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Objectives McDonald's mission was to provide customers with quality food at a low price with a focus on the speed, service and cleanliness they received while patroning one of their restaurants. The case focuses on a specific segment of the McDonalds restaurant chain that was opened in 1996, McDonald?s India. This segment of the restaurant giant had a more specific mission/philosophy to fulfill and had developed a special menu for these Indian customers to take into account their culture and religion. When it was realized that beef extracts were found being used in producing McDonald?s fries, outraged vegetarians and Hindus across the United States and Canda filed a class action lawsuit. Along with this, riots and demonstrations at restaurants in India took place, with mobs calling for the closure of all McDonald?s in India. II.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Customer Scenario   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  By 2001, McDonald?s had expanded its operations to 116 countries with a total of over 30,000 restaurants. McDonald?s sold to over 15 billion people every year! The company?s target market encompassed everyone as they tried to offer menus that accommodated fast food lovers, vegetarians, the health-conscious as well as different religious sects. III.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nucleus of Control   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  McDonald?s restaurant chain is comprised of company owned restaurants as well as franchised restaurants, which make up over 65% of the operating McDonalds outlets; because of this many of the restaurants are controlled and run separate from one another. The whole segment of McDonald?s India has a board of managing directors that oversee McDonald?s operations in India. From a management standpoint, McDonalds can be seen to have different varying stances. The company can be viewed as a mature company that was introduced over 65 years ago and now encompasses virtually the entire globe with its operations. However, it seems that McDonald?s, large in size already, keeps expanding internationally as well as in the United States. While many of these newly opened restaurants are separately run franchises, it seems that while the McDonald?s name and idea may be mature, the company as whole seems to still have a growing, entrepreneurial stance. IV.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Functional Analysis A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Top Management The company was started by two brothers, Richard and Maurice McDonald and was later purchased by a curr... ... marketing department. This would help to combat major catastrophes from happening and leading to more allegations and lawsuits. 3. Create a separate department within the company to keep consistency among the many McDonald?s franchises. While this would be a great tool in the overall operation of the company, there are probably too many franchises to be able to carry it out in a cost effective manner. VII.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Recommendations Both alternatives one and two should be combined for the overall success of improving McDonald?s corporation. Marketing has done a terrible job in many areas and could use a fresh start, but must rely on top management for the ultimate say. VIII.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Implementation These alternatives can be put into place effective immediately. They should not bear large costs, with any costs relying soley on the hire of new employees and/or top management to compensate for the extra workload. The most important benchmark to judge our decisions will be customer satisfaction. This can be done simply by surveys, online or focus groups. In the long term the benefits may be seen on a larger scale by viewing the perception of the company in the US as well as globally.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Characteristics of pastors Essay

Crucial role is played by the minister in youth programming, which is quite similar with the other church-sponsored programs. Awareness of the crucial role was received by the senior author of this paper, when a black clergyman from fifty miles away approached this graduate student in the year 1968. The college students were suggested by the minister to provide youth programs in the rural town. Reading tutorials, sewing classes, sex education, health tips, and current events were included in this project. A major study of black youth development was also led during the project. A small Northeastern town of Rubin was selected for the conduction of the abovementioned study. In the present study, the characteristics of ministers have been highlighted with the help of several findings. The sponsorship of the youth programs has also been associated with these characteristics. In general, youth was most favored by the younger clergy during the study. Some of the most prominent issues are being confronted by the African-American youth, which have been indicated by the Black Church Family Project. It has also been observed the black churches are not addressing these issues adequately. Health-related services and AIDS support programs are some of these problems of the African-American youth. Only twenty-seven churches reported the existence of substance abuse programs. Twenty-seven churches also reported the parenting and sexuality programs in their communities. College students’ financial support was awarded by twenty-nine churches. Twenty-five churches reported youth at-risk programs, in which, delinquency was focused during the programs. Role modeling was provided by fifteen churches. Foster grandparents are some of the examples of role modeling in these churches. Employment and job readiness issues were offered by thirteen churches. Discussions which were the greatest efforts of about fifty-five churches across the country are helpful. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This survey of Black n White churches resulted in gaps between Clergy and formal providers and the gaps grew wider with time. If we compare the Black churches with White churches, we will come to a conclusion that Black Churches proved to be more supportive because it came up with new programs than White churches, it proved to be supportive not only in terms of quantity but it also created some awareness amongst people. They also had a tight budget but always managed to offer strong programs. They managed to control large congregations and large differences in budgets between urban and rural churches. There was some lacking in the linkage between specialty mental health provider and churches. There was a very little interaction with Clergy and the formal mental health service delivery system. Mental health care system was never interested in holding meetings with Clergy or any professional groups. History says that mental health care system has already experienced some mistrust or betrayal from Clergy. Future actions should include building strong associations between providers of health and mental health service and faith communities. They should also pay prior attention to best communication channels and should not ignore apparent absence of communication. Furthermore, they should also work to fill the gaps between cultures and promote free exchange between groups. It is not possible to draw up a clear path but from the study above we can say that urban pastors have more knowledge of mental health detection and are educationally stronger than rural counterparts. Including the fact that Blacks provide more prams than White does not mean that the programs are only for Blacks or it may be not accessible to Black congregations at large. There is a possibility that Blacks may think they are service providers. Or communities that are served are not accepted by the Blacks. This clearly shows that both Blacks and White perceive their missions in a dissimilar manner. Pastors and formal delivery system can benefit from the gaps between mental health service providers and Clergy. Rural individuals are ready to seek general health care help from primary care providers. But they are not ready to seek specialized mental health care. By creating a link between pastors and other church leaders to primary care providers can improve the mental health services for Blacks; by this Blacks can get an effective and strengthened capacity of network. Effective measures should be taken into account to create a strong link between informal and formal networks. This is important to assure the effectiveness of accessible, appropriate mental health care. Joining up the knowledge and matching the capacities and capabilities of churches can prove to be beneficial for the communities and can be healthy in crucial times. â€Å"Most significant for us today, these African American church leaders recognized the importance of what they were doing for future generations of Americans. They wrote histories, biographies, memoirs, and other accounts of religious life in the South during this era. It is through these written texts that we still have access to the many voices that comprise the first century of the black church in the United States. † (2001, np) Churches in other parts of the region like South are well organized; they are very strong to community and cultures resulting in congregational commitment. They respect each others attitudes and behaviors. Mental health care problems in rural areas are due to the lack of stigma and available services associated with mental health. To come up to a healthy solution, creative partnerships between social organizations are essential. For instance, combines churches and informal care will result in providing informal care.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Cosmetic Surgery Medical Medicine - 1236 Words

Cosmetic Surgery Alexis Thomas AHS 128 – Health Sciences Intro Professor Sloan Midlands Technical College - Airport COSMETIC SURGERY 2 Abstract Over recent years, there has been a rising trend in the demand for cosmetic surgeries. These procedures are typically carried out to change, improve, or enhance ones appearance. Cosmetic surgery, also called plastic surgery dates back to 2000 B.C. In Egypt and India, ancient physicians practiced some of the most basic forms of plastic surgery. According to an article written in 1994 by Thomas V. DiBacco, reeds were used in Egyptian nose reconstruction to keep the nostrils open as the nose healed. In 600 B.C., the Indian doctor Acharya Sushrut published the Sushruta Samhita, a collection of medical manuscripts about plastic surgery, the first of its kind in ancient history. Thanks to the discovery and workings of countless physicians of the past, today’s society has the luxury of what we call modern plastic surgery. According to Douglas McGeorge, we live in a young world where people are living longer and remaining active to a much older age. Feeling fitter, more and more indi viduals want to keep looking fresh to make sure they enjoy life, happy with the way they look (Cosmetic Surgery, 2008, p. 6). While many are quick to take advantage of these procedures, unfortunately, the numerous health risks andShow MoreRelatedSurgery And Cosmetic Surgery : Is It The Hippocratic Oath Or The Oath Of Maimonides? Essay1099 Words   |  5 PagesAll medical oath, be it the Hippocratic oath or the oath of Maimonides, share two principles; Beneficence and non-maleficence. Beneficence requires that medical practitioners act in the patient’s best interests. Non-maleficence ensures that medical practitioner never acts in a way that may harm a patient. Both of these principles give patients a promise of Professionalism. 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